New Neighbors

Welcome to the Gallatin River Ranch! We are thrilled that you are considering building your dream home or moving to our picturesque community nestled along the stunning Gallatin River. With its breathtaking views, abundant wildlife, and close proximity to outdoor adventures, the Gallatin River Ranch offers a truly idyllic setting for those seeking a harmonious blend of nature and modern living.
Our friendly and welcoming neighborhood fosters a strong sense of community, where neighbors become friends, and life is enriched by shared experiences. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply someone who appreciates tranquility, you'll find it all here. We invite you to explore our website and discover the endless possibilities that await you at the Gallatin River Ranch.
Things to know: 
WASTE MANAGEMENT  Residential garbage services are available on the Ranch through Republic Services or L&L Site Services. This is an individual owner matter and expense. The HOA does not manage, pay, or coordinate residential garbage services on GRR.  The Gallatin County Landfill is located in Logan, on the south side of I-90. To get to the landfill: go West on I-90 to the Logan exit (283) and turn South at the exit, going under the I-90 bridge. The first left after the bridge is the frontage road which will take you to the landfill. You can find out more about the landfill by going to the Logan Landfill website.      
UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICES TO GRR RESIDENTS  There is no mail delivery to homes on the Ranch. Mail may be delivered to a PO Box at the post office or to a mail box next to the GRR real estate office.  The boxes at the Ranch entrance are limited in number and availability cannot be guaranteed.  The costs of the boxes can be obtained from the Post Office. When you list your mailing address for routine USPS delivery, you need to identify your PO Box if you have one. However, delivery services such as Federal Express, UPS,  or the like will deliver to your home. For those services you should list your GRR home address.      
INTERNET:  Internet access on the Ranch can be done by wireless technology. Some residents use satellite based systems, and others use local wireless transmission systems. There are no cable transmission lines, and DSL is not available.    
TELEVISION:  Television access is through satellite or antenna. Note Covenant restrictions on exterior antennae and satellite dishes. The majority of residents use either Dish Network or Direct TV. There is no cable TV on the Ranch. Over the air reception is possible, but not consistent on GRR.    
LIQUID PETROLEUM GAS:  If you plan to have gas heat, water heat, or a gas range, you will need a liquid petroleum (LP) gas tank. Our covenants require that the tank be buried (Covenant 7.1.e).  Grill gas tanks can be handled two ways. You can get pre-filled tanks on a rental basis at a number of locations. The closest is the Conoco in Manhattan. These Blue Rhino tanks are not completely full. You rent one, and return it and rent another when your tank is empty. If you own or buy tanks, the closest place to get them filled is the Rocky Mountain Supply Cenex in Belgrade.  
BACK UP ELECTRICAL GENERATORS  One electrical line runs along Nixon Gulch Road and across the river to supply electricity to GRR homes. When this line goes down, which it does from time to time, we are all out of power. Some residents have installed back up generators. These are easiest to install during new home construction. A number of the electrical contractors in the area install these systems. You need to remember that when the power goes down, your well pump will not work.    
DOGS ON THE RANCH:  Article VII of the Covenants covers animals and livestock on GRR.  In 7.2.b it states:   All animals and livestock, exclusive of dogs and cats, shall be kept in a fenced enclosure.  Should, in the discretion of the Association, a particular animal or animals become a nuisance to livestock or wildlife, no such household animal or animals will be allowed off an Owner parcel unless in the immediate company and control of its owner. The Association may withdraw permission for animals to remain on the Premises from any Owner who, after due notice, violates the restrictions of this paragraph or whose animal is, or has become a nuisance to livestock, wildlife, property or other Owners, invitees or Association personnel, or is in violation of good animal husbandry.  Many of the residents of GRR have one or more dogs. We and our dogs are all subject to State code and County ordinances. These are both referenced at the end of the Equestrian Activities Section.  
HEALTH HAZARDS OF RURAL MONTANA:  The response times for emergency medical services are longer in rural areas, not just in Montana. If you have a health emergency, call 911 to activate the emergency medical system. Don't call the Ranch Manager or Fire Chief directly.    
SNAKES: Snakes live on Gallatin River Ranch as they do throughout Montana. They are a fact of life in rural Montana.   The Western Rattlesnake sub-species known as the Prairie Rattlesnake are the type of snake found in our area. They tend to be less aggressive than the Diamondback seen further South. We are not aware of any episodes of human snake bite injury on GRR. There was an incident in which a horse was bitten by a snake. Snakes can be a hazard to domestic animals and horses.  The greatest risk to horses occurs when they graze. A snake bite to the snout or face of a horse can be life-threatening. Snakes rarely bite horses on the legs.    Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles that hibernate in the winter. They come out in the spring and hibernate in the later fall and winter. They seek shade when it is hot, and will come out to lie in the sun when it is cooler. If you encounter a snake when it is cool out, you are more likely to find it out in the open. Snakes tend to be sluggish when it is cool, and more active when it is warm or hot. When walking, hiking, or horse riding, you need to be aware that we share this place with the snakes. You will occasionally see snakes on the roads.   When hiking in snake country there are a few things the experts recommend: wear boots that extend above the ankle; wear long pants; consider wearing snake gaiters. These are gaiters specifically designed to prevent snake bite penetration. You can find a variety of snake gaiters at Warehouse Sports, or online through Cabela's,, and Loose fitting jeans are pretty effective, but the snake gaiters are more effective. Keep your eyes open and watch where you are about to step. Don't reach above you without looking if you are going uphill. Consider using a walking stick as a method for "probing" questionable areas before you step or enter them.    
BEARS: We live in black bear country.   There are a number of precautions we recommend to all homeowners. Keep your trash containers indoors with doors closed until the morning of trash collection.  Keep your doors and windows on the ground floors closed at night. Don't leave the garage doors open, especially in the evening and at night.  Don't leave animal feed other than hay outside. Don't set out bird feeders until winter. Keep your eyes open. Report bear sightings to the Ranch Manager.  
HISTORY OF MONTANA AND THE HORSESHOE HILLS:  There are a number of resources which can prove information about the history of Montana, the Gallatin Valley, and the area around GRR.  Montana, a History of Two Centuries. by M.P. Malone, R.B. Roeder, and W.L. Lang.  This is an excellent book which covers the overall history of Montana  Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose.  This book provides a very well written history of the Lewis and Clark expedition. The history of the   discovery of the Missouri headwaters, the naming of local rivers, and Gallatin Valley are discussed.  Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley by Phyllis Smith  This book provides a detailed history of the Gallatin Valley  The Hills by the Headwaters by E. Fenlason and M. Gemmill.  This little book provides some history and speculation about the hills in which the GRR is situated.  The Last Best Place by W. Kittredge, and A. Smith.  This is not really a history book, but provides a variety of literary treatments of Montana.  Manhattan Omnibus by F.L. Niven.  This book provides detailed history and historical documents about Manhattan MT.